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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0892c36.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-11  |  151KB  |  475x359  |  8-bit (255 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | grandstand | monitor | poster | sky | skyscraper | vegetarianism | window | windowpane
OCR: LEADING 30-YEAR FIXED. -RATE MORT GAGES Repie Polmt Monthir Teleph TAtianta Cily.Mutlgaga 8:909 2:75 404-396-1445 Baltimore Hand NionaNorteag 800 3.13 Boatas FITSTNERER anidMoraag 15 2:00 734 + 617-237-7203 Crileagt Countannide Furdirie 2:38 734 708-816-1377 Cleielant AsstredMoitaage 3.00 734 21E-447-0077 Dalls 812 1.6 42 214-490-1234 Dener CommercialFetera -8.05 2.75 734 308-932-3000 DetroH 81 1.88 $742 313-961-7600 Hoiston Balland TMortrane 3:00 734 713-630-1300 FlesMoroace 1.75 718 711-955- 1661 Miaini Hame Trancir g.Centet tor 17F 734 305-661- 4663 Minneapolis GMAC 1.00 748 612-454-9004 New Yort City Hame MorgapaNcoaptanse -75 734 212-319-4601 N.Ne tlese Natibonat State Bant 3.00 742 800-323:3126 Phitartelphta Premium: FederalSavings 6.00 2.75 3.5 734 609.346-11CO Proenb Crasslant Mart ...